NX102 La ment no té límits.

NX102.ar(sample, vol, pan, q1, q2, q3, q4, v1, v2, v3)

A semideterministic dronificator for samples.

sample - a buffer (default:1)

vol - volume. range 0.0..1.0 (default:0.0)

pan - panner. range -1(left) .. 1(right) (default:0.0)

q1 - eq gain for 100Hz (default:6)

q2 - eq gain for 1000Hz (default:0)

q3 - eq gain for 5000Hz (default:0)

q4 - eq gain for 10000Hz (default:6)

v1 - freeverb mix dry/wet balance. range 0..1 (default:0.1)

v2 - freeverb room size. range 0..1 (default:0.1)

v3 - freeverb HF damp. range 0..1 (default:0.1)

// use of class and source code with Jitlib

p = ProxySpace.push(s.boot);

// read a sample of your collection

b = Buffer.read(s,Platform.userAppSupportDir +/+"/audio/a11wlk01.wav",bufnum:1);


~nx102 = { NX102.ar(1,1,0,12,0,0,12,0,0,0)};

// listen the semideterministic changes

~nx102 = { NX102.ar(1,1,0,12,0,0,12,0,0,0)};

// try the source code:

// copy the printed code on post-window on your working area and change whatever you like

// release:

~nx102 = nil; b.free;

for suggestions / comments contact me

Miquel Parera Jaques,  computer.music.neix@gmail.com

July 2012